
Software Developer that suite your needs

Thinking about software developer, you think of sophisticated programmers and engineers ​that coding away in a whole range of different languages. here with Sonarcodes, we hired talented people that can give you a high quality local / web application programs that Sonarcodes will provide.

Software Developer that suite your needs

Thinking about software developer, you think of sophisticated programmers and engineers ​that coding away in a whole range of different languages. here with Sonarcodes, we hired talented people that can give you a high quality local / web application programs that Sonarcodes will provide.

Player Membership Information System


  • Can handle great number of players and information data.  
  • Can identify the banned Players and Compatible to Barcode Reader Device  Password controlled access by administrator.
  • Export data to Excel.
  • Have a web based client user interface.
  • Time Tracking capabilities. 
  • Can Generate Report.
  • Magnetic card can be used.

Human Resources Information System (HRIS)


  • Dashboard
  • Document Management
  • Official Business
  • Vacation Leave
  • Overtime
  • Employee Master File
  • User Access Right
  • Filter by User
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